Famous Awnings

Published On: January 12, 2015|Categories: Awnings|

You can find architectural awnings all over New York City. They come in all colours, shapes and sizes. Let us take a look at some of the most famous awnings in the world.


New York City’s famous theatre district easily rivals Times Square with its bright mile-high signs erected to promote the shows. For some, this visual cacophony is eye candy; others may find it eye-crossing. There are plenty of non-theatre businesses at street level. How will they compete with these tall signs crying for attention? Well, they have their own unique business awnings to ensure that they get the attention they deserve. Sbarro uses simple yet attention-grabbing awnings to make excellent use of their hugely popular corner space. In spite of having these tall signs, the theatres also have to make themselves visible. And they should be able to welcome lots of people at once. They address these requirements with lots of street-level awnings which also serve as a marquee. These awnings protect crowds from inclement weather. You don’t need tall neon signs to promote your business. If you use awnings properly, they will do this job better.


Macys Awning

Several decades ago, the Macy’s store had lots of retractable awnings and a huge canopy at the entrance. They provided shade where it was necessary. However, they looked rather messy and didn’t do anything to enhance the exterior of the building. Macy’s awnings have had several incarnations over the years and now they not only look elegant but also lend a distinctive appearance to the store. The store is expected to wear its newest look towards the end of 2015. Macy’s CEO Terry J. Lundgren feels that Herald Square is the biggest symbol of their brand. He said that although they are trying to create a modern shopping experience for their customers at Herald Square, they will preserve the integrity of this historical building. They will blend contemporary design and modern technology with Macy’s architectural legacy to make the project special.

Lord & Taylor

Macy’s Herald Square store may be the largest department store in the US. Lord & Taylor isn’t that big. They have a relatively smaller footprint. The store’s awnings sport uniform stripes in white and gray. They mirror the squared metal work on the upper story windows and the façade. And by using different awnings for the windows and the doorway, Lord & Taylor has augmented that vertical look.

The Cannibal

The Cannibal is located on East 29th Street. It is a café plus beer retail shop during the day. At night, it transforms itself into a charcuterie where small menu items are served. The store front is narrow but has a unique awning that sets it apart from other stores in its vicinity. The deep red colour of the awning goes well with the brick façade of the building. It also contrasts with the gray-blue doorway trim.

Shops at the Plaza Hotel

The Plaza is a name synonymous with sophistication. That sophistication also extends to their shops. The entrance and the display windows are unified by a beautiful wrought iron awning in a single run. The awning has a skirt in black with gold lettering and logos. The hotel’s name is also imprinted on the sides of the skirt.

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